Worship Ministries

Children in the third grade or older are eligible to become acolytes during our services. Acolytes assist at the altar and processions during times of worship. Being an acolyte is a great honor that instills an appreciation for tradition and respect.

Altar Guild
Those in the Altar Guild are responsible for tending the altars and caring for the vessels, vestments, and linens. They will also assist with overall service preparation and cleanup.

The choir at St. All Souls’ meets Sundays at 9:15 a.m to warm-up, with a weekly Thursday evening choir rehearsal. They provide music leadership during the 10:30 a.m. Mass as well as other Holy Days. The choir consists of both volunteer and paid section leaders and is always looking for new and additional voices.

Eucharistic Minister
The Eucharistic minister, or chalice bearer, is someone who assists with the administration of the chalice during Holy Communion, or the Eucharist. Training is required for this position, and they are licensed by the Bishop.

Lay Readers
Lay readers are tasked with reading the lessons and Prayers of the People during all our worship services. These take place at both 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Offering Counters Every Sunday morning, our offering counter volunteers meet to count, record, and deposit the weekly offering collected during our church services.


Welcomers are a very important part of our services and must be filled with a spirit of hospitality and friendliness! These people will be one of the first church members, if not the first, that visitors and newcomers will meet when they come to All Souls’ Church for Sunday services.

Welcomers provide assistance to visitors throughout services at All Souls’. Examples include greeting, passing out bulletins, seating assistance, taking up the offering, and guiding visitors to Communion. They are also prepared to answer any questions visitors might have.