Sunday Hospitality & Fellowship
Our parish has a tradition of extraordinary hospitality after our 10:30 AM Mass. We welcome all congregants and visitors to join us in Taylor Hall after Mass each Sunday to share lunch and fellowship.
Acolytes & Alter Guild
Children in the third grade or older and adults are welcome to become acolytes during our services. Acolytes assist at the altar and processions during times of worship. Being an acolyte is a great honor that instills an appreciation for tradition and respect.
Those in the Altar Guild are responsible for tending the altars and caring for the vessels, vestments, and linens. They will also assist with overall service preparation and cleanup.
If you are interested in serving as an acolyte or joining the Altar Guild, please contact the parish office.
The St. Cecilia Choir at All Souls meets Sundays at 9:15 AM to warm up, with a weekly Thursday evening choir rehearsal. They provide music leadership during the 10:30 a.m. Mass as well as other Holy Days. The choir consists of both volunteer and paid section leaders and is always looking for new and additional voices. If you are interested in joining the choir, please speak with our Music Director, Paul Hudgins.
Eucharistic Minister
The Eucharistic minister, or chalice bearer, is someone who assists with the administration of the chalice during Holy Communion, or the Eucharist. Training is required for this position, and they are licensed by the Bishop. If you are interested in becoming a eucharistic minister, please contact the parish office or Fr. Dave.
Lay Readers
Lay readers are tasked with reading the lessons and Prayers of the People during all our worship services. We encourage our parishioners to actively participate in our worship services by volunteering to serve as lay readers. If you are interested in serving as a lay reader, please contact the parish office.
Ushers are a very important part of our Sunday service. Our ushers are filled with a spirit of hospitality and friendliness! Ushers are the first parishioners that visitors and newcomers will meet when they come to All Souls for Sunday service.
Ushers provide assistance to visitors throughout services at All Souls, including greeting, passing out bulletins, seating assistance, taking up the offering, and guiding visitors to Communion. They are also prepared to answer any questions visitors might have.
If you are interested in serving as an usher, please contact the parish office.
Food Distribution Ministry
Each Sunday at 12:30 PM we welcome food insecure individuals and families to Taylor Hall to take part in our Food Distribution Ministry. We receive food donations from local grocery stores and make them available to any family or individual who comes to our parish in need. We encourage parishioners and community members to volunteer to participate in this rewarding ministry.
Lear Literacy Club
The Lear Literary Club was established in 2020 and serves as our parish’s official “book club”. It is named after King Lear by William Shakespeare, the first book the group club read.
In addition to the lovely alliteration, the name has the added advantage of announcing a standard for the books we want to read. Not that we keep to the classics — though we have enjoyed several — we do hope for some literary worth, something more than just an exciting plot. Realizing this is a subjective description, the choice is left to the member whose turn it is to select the book and lead the discussion. The choice is never questioned.
The Literary Club meets once a month at All Souls. Every month the club members chose a book for review. Each month a different club member leads the discussion and presents questions. The upcoming 2023/2024 Literary Club dates (with discussion leaders) are as follows:
June 28: Patty
September 27: Douglas
October 25: Susan
November: Suzie (exact date TBA)
January 24: Choose your own book to present.